
Naturopathica GastroHealth Probiotics

Naturopathica GastroHealth in capsules is an every-day probiotic brand that will help you keep your intestinal flora happy like in a manicured garden. They will help you recover from common ailments (flu, fungal infections, or stomach flu for example) and are needed to help recover your system after having antibiotics (my doctor dixit.)

Although I use stronger probiotics from other brands when I am sick (as they have many more millions of probiotics per capsule and many more varieties  as well) these are my usual daily brand. Besides, I take a package of these any time I travel anywhere as they don't require refrigeration and, once your remove the package, you can pack them flat anywhere.

I always recommend any traveller taking a package of these, especially if travelling to parts of the world where hygiene is lacking or you are going to eat or drink unfamiliar food. You will certainly be happy to have them at hand if you get a runny belly or food poisoning, I can guarantee you that. 

Pro-biotics are never cheap, but these ones are usually cheaper than other brands or more discounted