
Disprin Direct Chewables

I cannot live without these. 

I am a fan of Aspirin. It is my favourite analgesic and anti-inflammatory for mid-range pains, and I have never had a bad stomach reaction or sensitivity to these ones

I started buying Disprin chewable for travelling purposes a few years ago, as they can be taken on their own, without the need of water or liquid, in situations in which you don't want to drink any water that is not bottled. 

I like their lemony-ish taste, not bitter. 

They have become one of my staple multi-purpose painkillers (period pain, back pain, headaches, pre-flight DTV prevention treatment etc.). 

 I have them in my first-aid kit and I always carry a couple of them in my wallet and/or bag, as they are covered in foil and are easily to fit anywhere. 

My only complaint is that they don't make them in bigger packs and that the concentration of Aspirin is lower than the usual Aspirin tablets.