
"Cermonials" by Florence + The Machine (2011)

Ceremonials is an album that gets slowly into your skin and gets more addictive the more you listen to it. I have to confess that the first time I heard it, I found it very different from Lungs in conception, tones, feeling, musical influences and lyrics.

The lyrics are quite intriguing and ambiguous, what makes them enthralling. I think they are an improvement with regards to Lungs. The mix of rhythms is also very interesting, and transmits a great energy that goes from peaceful to roaring. At the same time, some of the rhythms and melodies remind me of other groups and eras too.

I miss the presence of some acoustic songs in the album, although some acoustic pieces are in the deluxe version of the album and they show Florence's great talent. I don't know why some of them weren't included as such in the standard CD.

The album comes to down to what makes you feel and think. To me, it gives me the energy of a world full of mystery and depth, but shiny and brilliant that opens if you let it be, if that makes any sense to you. It also makes me feel a million dollar babe when I hear it. Why? I don't know. I guess because it express many things that are inside me, or brings the best out of me. Go and figure out.

Four Stars