
Enrollapp (Online Platform, Paid tests)

They were previously called Zurb. This is a legit company, it is just that, while they wait for you to receive a test, if any, they will profile very accurately, with your help. Genius! 

Easy to join. Very fun and likeable website, with that lovely cow walking while you reply to the site queres. 

They start profiling you, hard core, from the beginning, in ways that I don't think I would like to be profiled or I am comfortable with. Of course, they might come and say, it is all voluntarily, you do it because you want (no, I need money, mind you, that's why I am here). Supposedly, they are getting your info to provide you with the right test or survey. Questions are very specific about you and your finances. 

I suspect that they are data collectors, a la Google, just done in a more fun way and having you replying directly to the questions, no machine involved. I know for sure that they don't need of all that info for you to take a test. Their privacy policy also seems legit, but if you read between the lines, you will see that very personal information is collected through the tests themselves, and also that they can share your data, just removing your name and personal details. It smells fishy. My impression.

They might provide legit work, but that sort of profiling shouldn't be allowed or legal!  So, needless to say, I left soon after joining.  I might be totally mistaken, for sure, but the questions about my bank account are too precise to be random or innocent.
