
Wetland (Perth WA)

Perth Cultural Centre
Perth 6006

The Wetland [sic] is a fresh water pond located in the Cultural Centre, in the space connecting James St Amphitheatre and the Art Gallery of Western Australia, and created by redeveloping the previous water fountain but still including Stuart Green's beautiful sculpture.

The place recreates one of the swamps that were part of Perth natural environment at the arrival of the first European settlers. The area is very small but it is beautifully done. It has a great layout and a terrific mix of native greenery and wooden and metallic elements, a large colourful seating area, and a wooden deck stage. A bunch of happy frogs, native fish, and insects consider the pond home, as well as many seagulls, which come here to perform their bath rituals or have a swim. The fact that the central focal viewpoint of the Wetland has no human movement, but a
stone façade as a background  really helps to immerse yourself in this little artificial micro-cosmos. The world is left at your back, and it feels far away from the hectic urban surroundings.

The place is a favourite with quiet lunchers and coffee sippers, small children wanting to spot frogs, school groups, loners, and people attending some of the environmental talks and performances that take place at the central stage.

The Wetland is a beautiful special spot, perfect to relax in the middle of the city.