Showing posts with label Liebster Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liebster Award. Show all posts


Answers to the Liebster Award

Lee from the blog Coffee Couture was kind enough to nominate this blog for a Liebster Award. It requires of the nominees posting 11 random facts about themselves as well as answering the questions posted by any of the other nominees.

The Liebster (favourite in German) is more of a way to get to know bloggers than it is an award. The one rule is that the nominated bloggers must have less than 200 followers. This is very much the case with my blog. I have a few followers, but they do not follow me officially, they watch in silence, which is fine with me. Hello voyeuristic stranger!

Here are a few things about this "bloggeree".

11 Random Facts About Me
1 - Teo Degas is an alias I have been using for years for anything that is not professional. I wanted an alias that wast Artsy but close enough to the phonetics of my real name. Voilà!

2- I have a tendency to buy things I don't need without worrying about the price, but I tend to delay buying those I do need and I  worry about the price.

3- I am a geek. I have always found easy using and teaching myself computers and software. Still, I have difficulties with simple electric things. Ha!

4- I love, with capitals, original unique jewellery, beautiful china tea cups and tea pots, artistic Tarot decks, shoes, handbags, and anything that it is well designed, artistic, delicate and colourful.  

5- I have tried, unsuccessfully, to teach myself Swahili, Finnish, Arabic, and Japanese, but I still speak several languages. 

6- I am a mediocre cook because I don't enjoy cooking. That it is my excuse!

7- I try to improve myself every single day, so I can be a refined soul when I die at the age of 93.

8- My favourite colour is red, but I tend to buy and wear anything purple, orange, blue and black.

9-  When I was a child, I wanted to be an Astronaut. 

10- I cannot live without my laptop. This is my window to the world, my work tool, my communication tool, my artistic tool, my reading tool, my writing tool, an extension of me little robot.

11- I was a coffeeholic until five-six weeks ago. After a nasty long stomach infection, I have switched to tea, and I have discovered that my addiction was mostly a psychological hook. I have killed the "oholic" in me, but now I am obsessed with T2 teas. Oh Dear! 

Questions Asked by Cafecouture

What did you eat today? 
For breakfast I had a milk Monk Pear tea, a mini-bowl of peaches with skim natural yoghurt, and a toast with cream cheese and bacon.
For lunch I had a glorious meal at Must: lamb rump dish, truffle and a coffee.
For dinner I have had half a cake slice I bought yesterday and two cups of tea.

Oh Jeez, I should keep a food diary. Perhaps... not.

Cappuccino, Long Mac or Espresso?
Long Mac.

Your favourite thing to do on the weekend?
Eating out, shopping, reading, watching movies, blogging and anything that is chores free. 

Where do you want to go on your next holiday?
South Korea. Hopefully North Korea doesn't start a war!

What inspires you?
Amazing human beings. 

Talented people.
Eye-opening books that make me grow as a person and expand my view of the world.
The Arts.

What is your favourite blog/website?'

- I contribute and enjoy reviews platforms like Urbaspoon, Yelp and Tripadvisor. 
- I like randomly browsing Tumblr or Flickr for illustration and digital Art posts and artists.
- I cannot live without IMDb and Amazon.

A memorable event in your life? 

Oh, so many! I will share three.
- Being born was memorable. Not that was aware of at that very moment :D!
- Publishing my first academic book.

- My first trip overseas, to Rome, alone, to study Italian, poor and with a big suitcase. I was robbed on the metro in my first hours there. I was lucky enough that the Police caught the guy at the exit with all my money. My second day in Rome was spent in Court, where the guy was taken, just in case my declaration was necessary. The rest of my stay was great! 

Favourite movie?
I have a huge list of favourite movies and I can't choose one.The last two ones I loved were Django Unchained and Mr Nobody (the later on DVD).

What do you buy online and where from? 

OMG (Online My Guilt) I buy online a lot: handbags, cosmetics, books, jewellery and anything in between. Some of the sites I buy from are Nordstrom, Revolve Clothing, OzCosmetics, StrawberryNet, Boticca, Etsy, the Book Depository and Amazon. I do buy regularly from Coles, Officeworks and Undiewarehouse, too. Oh, I buy from so many places online that it is embarrassing, or perhaps exciting.

Do you love Winter or Summer? 


What camera or phone do you use to snap pictures?
A touristy cheap compact Coolpix Nikon. You can buy one for about 60 dollars. I have it on automatic settings and I use it mostly for super-fast snaps in restaurants/cafés.