
WTF foodie moment 12: Sour Crêpe

{ I sit a a local crêperie. I am trying to choose the right crêpe for me. It's mid afternoon and I have already had lunch. I ask one of the young waitresses for her advice}

> I am struggling to chose one of your savoury or sweet crêpe, between this and this. Is the savoury one very filling?
>> Offfff courrrrrseeeeee! 

{I get that she doesn't get what I mean, as she seems to be a young visiting French girl, so I rephrase my question}

> You know, I have already had lunch, so I wouldn't have anything that is heavy on my stomach, so which one would you say is better in that regard?
>> It is up to you.

Since when being sour is good for any business?
Since when having airs of a princess makes you a good waitress? 
Since when treating customers as a nuisance earns the respect of any customer?

WHERE? At small crêperie in my city.