Showing posts with label Tisane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tisane. Show all posts


Dilmah Infusions Green Rooibos with Coconut and Mango, 40 Grams

This is a healthy tisane made of green rooibos (not the usual red variety) and not suitable for milk tea. The ingredients are mostly tea, 5% mango and 5% coconut; nothing else. This tea smells delicious and has a sweet-ish taste but no sugar in it. The flavour is equally yummy and satisfying. I cannot distinguish the coconut flavour at all. The aroma and flavour are more peach than mango to me. Nevertheless, a delicious flavoursome tisane with no caffeine.  The teabag material is great quality.


Higher Living Organic Cinnamon Tea 15 Teabags

This is a healthy organic clean delicate tisane that doesn't taste of any of the particular ingredients listed on the packaging. It does not taste or smell of cinnamon at all, even though the tea is sold as Cinnamon Tea and the packaging says it has 35% of cinnamon in it. So this is a tisane with some cinnamon in it not cinnamon tea. Also, the scent and flavour of this tea are totally lost and the tisane tastes more like a chamomile than of anything else, but there is no chamomile in it.
I won't buy this again. I will stick to my Celestial Cinnamon and Apple Tea, which is more expensive but one teabag brews two mugs of tea and tastes and smells of cinnamon. This one of example why tisanes should be called tisanes unless the majority of the ingredient in a tea bag is the product mentioned on the packaging.


NUTRA Gycemia Tea -- WTF Shopping Moment: Yes. Perhaps. No. Who knows

This product is sold as a tea to help control blood sugar by using plants traditionally known for that purpose: bitter melon, cinnamon and fenugreek. This explains the name Glycemia and, I guess, the high price. The brand is crystal clear about what they offer and their Amazon product page has great clear photos showing ingredients and preparation instructions. That's great.
Now, if you sell something marketed as Glycemia, as something to help me with any health-related issue, I expect the company to have some kind of scientific backup for their claims. Obviously they don't. And here it comes the irony: this tea is sold to assist you with you sugar levels, right? However, one of box sides clearly states the following, "This product is not designed to prevent, treat or cure any disease or medical condition." Sweet. Pun intended. So it does not help with anything. No issue, sell it as a herbal tea, not as a tea to assist with your sugar levels. But... there is more. The box printed text also says "Please seek medical advice before drinking this tea if you are on prescribed medication, suffer from high blood pressure or are pregnant." So it seems that the tea has some sort of medicinal properties that might have an interaction with medication. Like if you're taking this tea most likely you're taking tablets to control your sugar levels; otherwise, you would be drinking Early Grey. So it has some sort of medicinal properties, because if it had none, the latter comment would be unnecessary. What the heck?
My head is spinning in all directions. It reads like the company wants you to assume whatever you want to assume and they cover all sides so that you cannot sue them or any assumption that they might have contributed to create. Just ridiculous and brilliant at the same time.
If the price was average or the amount of bags in the packet many, I wouldn't mind the marketing crappola. However, these tea bags are sold at an above-average herbal tea price (like double) and with a promise of whatever you want to believe. Thank you gosh they're not selling religious books. 
For the rest this is a pleasant herbal tisane, with subtle but distinctive flavour and a hint of bitterness that I love.  


Celestial Seasonings Cinnamon Apple Spice Tea 20 Teabags

Celestial teas are among my favourite teas in the world. This tea variety has not disappointed. 
Like other Celestial teas, this variety has a wonderful aroma, which starts from the moment you open the pouch containing the tea bags, and continues after brewing. It is not just the nose the one tantalised. The flavour is equally wonderful. The tea has a distinctive apple and cinnamon taste, which is what I was expecting  from this variety; it also has other spices undertones with a hint of sweetness. It's a clean and flavoursome taste. I love it in winter nights as it's caffeine free. With a hint of milk makes a kind of light chai. I think it'd make a wonderful iced tea and I'd try it iced  when Summer comes. I find this variety easier on my stomach than other spiced teas from the same brand.
One teabag makes two mugs of full-flavoured tea. 
I love the packaging and the fact that all the information on the box is written on a decently-sized font. However, there are two very important things that I'd like in the ingredient list to be improved. The first one is the percentage of each ingredient in the mixture, which is missing. Second, and most importantly, I'd lie the general vague "other natural flavours" to be specified. Which ones are they? Do they contain any allergen or sugar?
For the rest, I will be ordering this again.


Madura Camomile 20 Enveloped Tea Bags, 1 x 30 g

Good camomile bags. The herb produces a clean tasteful chamomile tisane. I tend to use one bag for average mugs and two for my larger ones. Nicely packaged and designed all over, from the tea bags, the tea tags, to the container box. Not organic, which is disappointing. 
There is no way on the packaging that it says it is organic. For the rest this is an average chamomile, not better than the cheapest brands, which, by the way, are organic. 


Camomile teabags are always in my pantry as I swear by it for stomach upsets. I gave this brand a try just because it's a local brand. The packaging and design of the packet and teabags is excellent. However, the product itself, the chamomile, it is too weak for my taste. It is a nice clean chamomile to taste if I just want to have a healthy drink, but not enough if I have stomachache or tummy upset as it isn't strong enough for the purpose.  Also, I always want my chamomile to be organic, but this packet has no indication of that being the case, something that find really disappointing. 


NB = The review has been deleted thrice from Amazon, despite being completely honest and having nothing that you would consider against Amazon guidelines. I tried the second version, to no avail. Like they have blocked me for saying that the chamomile is too week and packaging isn't clear about the ingredients in it, which is against Australian food regulations. I guess that the people declining publication are Madura company themselves, as it takes my reviews at least two days to be published but when I publish these, they come up as negative immediately afterwards. That's kinda dodgy and I won't buy from these people every again, mediocre products, bad labeling and manipulative ratings.


Madura Green and Papaya 20 Enveloped Tea Bags, 30 g

This a good green tea tisane, made with a mix of green tea and papaya leaf. The packaging design is great overall (from the containing box to the sachets to the tea tags system) and the quality of the herb is good. However, I was expecting something that does taste a bit of papaya not just of green tea, and this is what this tea tastes of to me, green tea. The package doesn't list the percentage of papaya leaf in it, but I think it's very small because of what I've said. This tea is still very nice, but not what I expected. As any green tea, the tisane has a small amount of caffeine in it, but nothing that keeps me awake. There is no way on the packaging that it says it is organic.

In a few words, not my cup of tea. It is a nice very-light green tea with some papaya leaf added but the taste of latter is not noticeable to taste. The packet doesn't list the percentage of papaya leaf in it, something that is a red flag to me. Besides, I like my green tea to be organic but there is nothing on the package to indicate that this is the case.  It has a tiny amount of caffeine but nothing that prevents me from falling asleep if I take it at night.
NB = The review has been deleted thrice from Amazon, despite being completely honest and having nothing that you would consider against Amazon guidelines. I tried the second version, to no avail. Like they have blocked me for saying that the chamomile is too weak and packaging isn't clear about the ingredients in it, which is against Australian food regulations. I guess that the people declining publication are Madura company themselves, so I won't buy from these people every again.