
WTF Foodie Moment 10: Egg and Ice Latte

(The guy at the café approaches and asks me what I am going to order. I want one of their  breakfasts, but with an added egg. )

An added what? 
> An egg.
A what? 
> An egg.
A what? 
> A-n e-g-g.
Ahhh, an egg!

(I feel like a ninja in Kill Bill. First person ever who doesn't understand me when I say 'an egg'.)

(It could have ended there, but he was inspired today...)

Any drinks?
> Yes, the ice latte, but I would like it large if possible.
We don't have it large, but we can certainly make it large for you.

(Mind, I had a large takeaway from here the other day...)

> Oh, and I would like it with skim milk, please.
> Oh, the ice latte doesn't have milk...

(Mind, latte in Italian means milk, so every single latte on Planet Earth has milk in it. And any person working in the food and hospitality industry should know that. Or is it too much to ask?)

> No? Really, So it is iced black coffee, then?
> OK, no problem. An ice 'latte' the way you prepare it. 

(Five minutes later the barista appears with my iced latte, with milk of course.)

(The moron approaches and addresses the barista and with surprise says)

Oh, I have told her before that the latte didn't have milk but it does...

(The barista and I, at the same time:)
> But it is a LATTE, so it always has milk in it.

WHO? The manager and/or owner of the café... (Award 'Moron of the Year' granted.)
WHERE? A café close to my place whose name I don't feel like mentioning because the latte was divine.