
Claremont Train Station (Claremont, Perth WA)

This is a cute station, wooden, level ground, that makes me think of what train stations used to be and still are in small European towns.

The former station (nowadays just a train stop) is very functional and it has an information booth, a ticket machine, a newspaper machine, poles with the train timetable, an emergency phone, and an ample seating area. There are no electronic informative panels

The station has a retro feeling that I love, with a wonderful pedestrian overpass wooden bridge, surrounded by bedded plants and flowers, the old signal station (what I call "the tower", which can be visited -at least in the past- on weekends), as well as some of limestone buildings across the tracks, and some of the seating area.

The station is at a killer location, about 100 metres from Claremont's coffee strip and Claremont Quarter Shopping Centre, and a few more paces from other nice shops and cafés in the area.

The access to the tracks is a bit long, unnecessarily so, as the shortest access has been fenced, and one can only enter by the picket fenced area now. On the other hand, this is a nicer entrance.

The only line stopping at Claremont is the Fremantle Line.